Electric banjos have transducers or pick added to the instruments for extra volume. Banjo produces a mellow sound. You can amplify it by opting for an electric version. There are different brands and types of electric banjos in the market today. Some are more suited for beginners; others for seasoned musicians. If you need help buying an electric banjo then use this step-by-step guide for your reference.
Define your requirements.
First, you need to define your purpose of buying an electric banjo. Do you want to buy it for your recreational purposes? Are you looking for a banjo as a beginner player? Are you a new musician and wish to add electric banjo to your sound?
As a beginner player, you don’t need to invest in a very expensive and sophisticated instrument. You can choose an open-back instrument with five strings.
If you want a nice instrument to use with a pick, choose one with more space between each string and the fretboard. They also have more width between each string. Such banjos are also ideal for those who simply need an instrument to use a hobby or practice the sound once in a while. Deering Goodtime Acoustic/Electric is a good choice for beginners.
Deering Sierra Acoustic/Electric is more suited for professional performances. You can choose from bluegrass banjos to plectrum banjos for more professional usage of the instrument.
Find a good retailer.
Once you know what you want, look for a good retailer. Reputed sellers are likely to have a website. So, search online for electric banjo retailers in your area. Check their websites to know more about their inventory and terms and conditions of sale (shipping charges, refunds, etc).
Choose a retailer with good knowledge of the instrument for the best results in terms of helping you choose the right banjo. If you don’t have a banjo retailer in your local area, find one with the facility to ship nationally or internationally.
In such cases, it is even more important to choose sellers with an in-depth knowledge of the instrument. Otherwise, you won’t get any proper assistance from them in choosing the right banjo. If you are a beginner, it is essential to seek help from the retailer about choosing the right instrument.
Fix your budget.
Once you have seen the inventory at various sellers, you will have a better idea about the prices of electric banjos. So, determine a budget accordingly. Electric guitars can range from $1000 and upward.
If you are a beginner player and on a low budget, it is best to buy a banjo that won’t cost much but will still be sturdy. Some retailers also offer low-interest financing options. So, you can avail of this facility if you require it.
For seasoned players, cost should really not be a factor. It is best to invest in good quality instruments with excellent sound. Fix a budget and identify instruments that suit your requirements.
Compare prices.
Check and compare prices at various sellers before buying an electric banjo. Some retailers are happy to match the lowest price you are able to find elsewhere. So, focus more on the quality of the instrument than its price.
Make note of the prices of banjos you find suited to your requirements. Identify instruments that fit the bill in terms of both the variant and the cost for you.
If you can wait for the holiday season to avail of attractive offers, it is a good idea to do so.
Contact the seller.
Once you have found a few good instruments, contact the seller for more information. Inquire if there are any additional offers available on the items you have picked or if there is scope of any more discounts.
If you need additional information for an instrument, feel free to ask the seller. Reputed retailers will always take the time to help their potential clients to make the right choice about an instrument.
If the seller is located in your local area, you can inquire if it will be possible for you to check the sound in person. Most sellers are happy to do so.
Once you are satisfied with the instrument and its price, go ahead and buy your electric banjo.